Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Caught on Video

On Friday, July 30, we took our second journey to the super-hi-tech ultrasound joint in Berkeley to take a look at Sprout. Daddy especially likes these trips because he can't yet feel Sprout's Muhammad Ali impression that Mommy is now feeling on a daily basis. No, instead of feeling Sprout, both of us got to see him on hi-res, ultrasound video.

Yes, him.

Sprout is a boy!!

We are so excited to know more about our sweet little man, and this was such a glorious moment. The ultrasound tech was able to grab a few fleeting moments of Sprout on video.

The folks over here at Sprout Shout Films were kind enough to work over the weekend, leaving their families and sleeping on the cutting room floor, to bring you this first ever short film on Sprout. Enjoy!


  1. Oh my god, I can't wait to meet this little baby!!! Loved the video!

  2. Thanks Elizabeth! Glad you liked the video. I've always wanted to pull one of those videos together on our MacBook, and it's amazing how having a kid gets out that photo enthusiast in you...
