Monday, August 23, 2010

Miracle Grow

As we inch closer to the Big Day, Sprout continues to grow at breakneck speed. We have an iPhone app that lets us know the size Sprout is, relative to different things you'd find in the produce aisle. When we started checking the app, he was the size of a sweat pea, eventually a corn kernel, and a few weeks later, a carrot. Right now, Sprout is the size of an ear of corn! (Supposedly he's 1.5 lbs and 8.5" long.) The anticipation is killing us for the 40th week: will the app compare Sprout to some baby-sized fruit/vegetable, or will it say that Sprout is the size of, well, a baby?

Two weekends ago we made the trek down to Lullaby Lane in San Bruno to pick out a crib and matching dresser. The store was great: three large warehouse buildings on the main strip of San Bruno. The environment was a bit busy with 747s roaring overhead as they took off from SFO and a swarm of anxious parents tugging on crib joints, collapsing and reassembling strollers, pushing music box buttons and feeling fiber qualities.

Despite the crowds, Lullaby Lane was a great place and we settled on Sprout's crib: "Ocean" by Baby's Dream. We snagged the matching dresser, too. Here's a picture of what the set looks like (minus the pink girly highlights):

On the health front, we had another doctor's visit and confirmed that Sprout's heart is thump-thumping away at a great clip. All appears healthy, but we don't think we needed a steady heartbeat to tell us that. Sprout's newest favorite game is to kick his mommy really hard to the point of startling her. He can kick way harder than other ears of corn we've seen, so we can rest assured and proud that he is ahead of his peer group so far.

Sprout will be on a miracle grow pattern over the next four weeks, supposedly, growing to twice his size. Watch out!

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