Sunday, August 1, 2010

Gimme A Beat

Mom and Dad went to visit the doctor a week after the first Sprout sighting to make sure it was growing smoothly and that all was well in the world of womb.

Not only did we get to see that Sprout had grown a week's worth in a week (which in Sprout terms is its first major accomplishment), but we also were treated to something unexpected: a quick little flicker on the ultrasound screen in the middle of the blob that turned out to be a heartbeat. This little embryo was not only thump-thump-thumping away for our visual entertainment, but it was also bobbing along on the bottom of the beautiful, briny sea that will be its home until December 16.

Yes, after a week's worth of confirmed growth, we were now certain we'd have a Christmas Baby. Oh, tidings of comfort and joy!

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